


This is where basic information of my characters go



My main sona, A tv head android with no real goal in life and therefor wanders aimlessley through its life.

his main features are his coral colored antenna on each side of his head, aswell as his uniqe body structure, flexible and lightweight, C.droid was created for the purpose of helping the elderly and disabled in simple day to day tasks, However during maufactuing A miscount of sensors was made, Keaving c.droid with one too many less sensors than needed, he was decomissioned and trashed shortly after his first operation, and now wanders around aimlessley through its life as it pleases.




Also known as CF-10, Fritz was made a year after c.droids decomission and made for his exact purpose.

Fritz has no permenet owner, and therefor uses his free time not helping people to mess with c.droid for being less of him,


An ex-worker for the niciklas robotics company. found out all about the evil workings of the company and decided to leave by her own terms.

after the company found out about what she knows theyve put her on a hitlist, years of hiding and living in the woods away from society and the clutches of the company, Bituin created her life longs work, C2, made to fight for her and run her errands as c.droid and Fritz where supposed to aswell for others

she dies at the end of her story idk what else to tell you man


an ex worker and former test subject of niciklas robotics company, now a homeless Mentally insane Cannibal, Cam was one a happy go lucky worker for the Niciklas robotics company, till one day he decided to sign up for the testing program as many other people from the robotics company did, Unaware of what was to come for them. Cam's body was changed, his mind was mutalated and so where the genos in his blood

after the change Cam coudnt see himself in the new body he was created around and slowly lost all sense of who he was, Changing his name to what it is now, and going mentally insane, doing whatever they can to try to reclaim what was once theirs, that includes Cannibalism and murder.

There is no good ending for the people of Niciklas Robotics, there never Will be.